
A Week in the Life of a Therapeutic Harpist

As a therapeutic and freelance harpist, I am often asked what it’s like and how I got into doing this. I never would have thought that playing the harp, especially in health care, would become a passion that would continue throughout my life! I was inspired to learn the instrument after being with my mother during her last days. I became aware of how sound and music were so important to very ill people. I have learned that its never too late to go after your passion, and there is always something new to learn and create!

Every week you will find me:

Lifting Vibrations

When seeing VAHT clients (Vibroacoustic Harp Therapy), I am always working on how the live vibrations of the harp can help pain and emotional healing.  While providing harp music at the hospitals I always pay attention to the emotions of the patients and employees, noting what specific vibrations are needed at that moment.

Maintaining my instruments

Since I own several harps of various sizes and purposes, they all need to be kept in great shape. This means they need to be tuned, strings replaced, and annual regulation by a professional. We never know when a string will break, so it’s important to carry a good supply of them along with tools.


There is always a piece I want to learn or touch up to play. Every season and event means more music. I like to mix it up when I play at the hospitals, and you never know what tune will spark a memory or bring joy to someone.


There is always this aspect of being a therapeutic/free lance harpist – life in the car! Loading the harp into the car along with all of the other needed paraphernalia and giving myself plenty of time for traffic is just a regular part of this fun career.

What I’ve learned

It’s never too late to learn a new skill and keep your passion alive! Never stop, always keep reaching for the stars! I am so very fortunate to have found this career that I love to do every single day!